Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Why does food taste the best late at night??

The fridge never seems more enticing, stale?? nah! an acquired taste rather! so what if the chocolate is going to go straight to my hips, and hey! i like my rice cold! its the chinese way of eating u poor ignorant fools, so what if the coke is calling out to me, it'll be rude not to reply!ahhh...indulgence is a bliss but only until the realization sinks in that indeed ur hips are going anyother way except for horizontal, and u have successfully managed to contribute to your fourth tyre and now u have to sleep with your stomach doing the locomotive with the chocolate, rice, potatoes, cheese (yum yum), you can forget about wearing that patiyala shalwar u have been penning to make......sigh........but....somehow sleep comes faster and u vow to not eat a morsel tomorrow...yes...u will NOT.....I will not eat.....I will not eat....ZzZzZZzzz.......what? going out for halwa puri?!!! hold on lemme get my slippers!!!!!


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