Wednesday, August 24, 2005

ok now i m pissed!

this is the third time i m trying to post this shit!
here goes........

seriously now whats with the net being so slow or I dunno what. Ok now tell me...i go ahead write down something when i try to publish it the freakin net conks up on me!! how do u explain that! and for all those smartalecks out there YES I ALREADY HAVE WORLDCALL what areu now going to suggest DCL?!!! well psshaw to u! ok so now if this does get posted this time so watch out i've got a whole bunch of posts lined up! theres been so much happening these past few days, the whole week and i guess a coupla days more have just whizzed by leavin me slightlt disoriented, bruised knees and a migraine to cope with. But had a blast!!!! ok now i m getting ready to hit the "publish post" button, fingers crossed...lets hope i hit the bull's eye....


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