Monday, January 02, 2006

Holy Shit!!!

I just caught the ending of this on tv courtesy ARY, anyone with the complete story and details do let me know...
Ok so this guy who seemed to be in his mid thirties apparantly got really angry with his daughter over some trivial matter, he couldn't contain his anger and what he did was he stripped his daughter and literally BUTCHERED HER! he separated the head, torso, arms, and legs, put each of them in separate plastic bags, wrapped them with clothes and stuffed them in his cupboard. After having done so he obviously realized what he had done and just didnt know how to deal with it, he went out of the house for 2 hours trying to think of what to do, in the end he goes to the police and tells them (in detail) of his crime. Currently he's in jail under clause 302 or something like thatwith his case pending in the court.


How do we ever explain this?

to ourselves even?

Can we ever put ourselves in that man's shoes? What do we say, does losing one's mind seem a reason worthy enough? Are we also capable of doing this? I think we are....but then what would have pushed him to that limit? coz we do know it was over a trivial matter right? so why does the daughter suffer? but then a man who has temporarily lost his rationality wouldn't think that way right?

Can we trust ourselves?

I know to some this may seem like just another story out of a hundred that we read or talk about with friends..but each time i hear something, even though sadly it has repititive element, each time it doesn't cease to amaze....each time i feel more fortunate....each time i feel more helpless...

each time....

I judge myself.


Blogger Nabeel said...

are you talking about this?

10:43 AM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

10:44 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

nopes...but thanks for the site found out yet another story

9:39 PM  

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