Friday, January 06, 2006

It's been a while......

since I last posted anything on both of my blogs and trust me i miss it!!!! sniff sniff and to top it all I have SO much to talk about! See the thing is that my university just reopened ( hardly got 10 days off and those which were jam packed with weddings) so yeah, university back in full swing so im out at 7:30 in the morn and comin back at 9 in the night, so please blog don't be angry with me, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just really tired when i come back and frankly its not u, it's my computer i don't want to see (psst please don't tell him that coz he has a habit of making a mountain out of a molehill, seriously what's with all my important files "suddenly" disappearing and having to go inviting viruses and various worms!) so maybe tomorrow....i'll have the energy to actually do something worthwhile n tell you about stuff happening, put up a pic or two, tell you about a site or two, who knows, that is if i don't laze off and decide to sleep instead! ahhh now i just have to tell you about this deal i make with myself everyday...see i wake up at 6:30 in the morn and I know i have to go take a bath before i rush to catch my uni bus, now its winter here and even though it doesn't snow in karachi IT'S STILL BLOODY COLD! esp at freakin 6:30 in the morn when the water is freezing! So here i am under my warm quilt,nice comforting bed when my alarm rings and i answer it with the ritual eyelids flying open with surprise. Then i lie in bed talkin to myself, negotiating that if i wake up now and take a bath, i save myself the trouble of taking a bath when i come home and can just fall into bed, the logic is that in any case if i dont take a bath i'll have to get up at 6:45 in any case, if i push my luck too far max 7, and by the time i finish debating with myself it's already 6:37 so i might as well get up, drag myself into my cold washroom and take a quick bath (which i end up prolonging coz the hot water feels just so good that now i dont want to get out of the shower!) then its sooooo cold that i have to go over myself with a HAIR DRYER just so i can stop shivering ( i even literally warmed up my jeans one morning with my hair dryer just so my legs get some blood back!) then guess what I'm fine, not feeling too cold anymore just wrap myself with a shawl and I'm good to go and off I am. Ok now i m exhausted, i wanna go to sleep, i promise u i'll be back, till then my dear blog be good and miss me......


Blogger Nabeel said...

interesting story telling .. i read the full thing (i don't read long posts because most of them are boring - not yours though .. it was an interesting read)

I loved it when you said computer can invite viruses and worms. I knowww .. you gotta treat 'em good .. if you ignore them they do bad stuff to you like you mentioned .. files starts disappearing .. it restarts when you're hitting the submit button on an important form .. god danggg these computers and the commitment.

I was soooo glad to see that you actually visited my archives. I think alot of nice stuff is in my archives and people actually don't visit it (new people) I used to post many pictures at first .. my pictures of various trips and stuff ..

I understand your frustration with cold. But let me tell u this darling .. it was -12F (which is around -23C) in Chicago 3 weeks ago .. and this cold spell was with us for a week.

But see many houses in KHI .. they don't have heating .. that's why it feels soooo coold and all the time.

wonderful story telling.
How come your college friends (whom you take pictures of) don't post here .. i think you should tell 'em about your blog .. they would be good candidates to post here i guess.

I put you on my hello list when you opened up the Workings of a Neophyte .. it's been there for a long time now :)

9:59 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

thankooooo all i do is ramble on

as far as the friends are concerned, only two of my college friends blog and one of them has vowed to remain anonymous (so even i don't know her blog, which obviously stamps on my curiosity, trust me I've googled n googled yet in vain) and the other just calls me up and comments! Now isn't this just sad...

1:16 PM  

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