Monday, January 09, 2006

Each day is a bad hair day

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Come winter and my hair decide to rebel against my wishes, they just like to stand at weird angles, are attracted to the static in the air, love to cling onto the other people, esp when i move away from them, they're still magnetically connected to them, making me look like the witch from oz! Naturally straight, when others with wavy and curly hair are rejoicing that they no longer need to use a straightener, here I am with my hair going flat
"how straight can we possibly be!" they scream back at me!
"what am I supposed to do with u?!!" I retort
"nothing and we like it this way!" they throw it right back
"I know I'll put u up in a tight ponytail, that'll serve u right!...but then my ears will stick out! urrrrrrrgh"
"Hahaha u may win the battle but we win the war!" they smugly reply.

I surrender and go about displaying my elephant ears to the world....


Blogger Nabeel said...

hmm .. now that I notice .. your ears aren't visible in any of your pictures. Was that on purpose? because u think u have elephant ears? I seriously doubt it that u do .. but hey .. if you do have elephant ears then perhaps you can listen to the 'voices in your head' better !

6:49 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

"if you do have elephant ears then perhaps you can listen to the 'voices in your head' better!"

hehehe I never thought of that! no wonder i hear myself in stereo!!!

12:54 PM  
Blogger Wanderlust said...

so you think you have elephant ears!...oh! trust me this post was surely very funny...i have the same problem too with my hair only that it sticks to the scalp and not stick to others...anyways the drawing is very cute...did you make it?...then you're surely an artist.

10:20 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

aww seee its people like u who make the bad hair day seem not so bad anymore :) hug! but it aint funny (well not to me then) when they go pink :s

I'm still smiling though...:) thanks!

7:44 AM  

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