Monday, January 09, 2006

Nabeel - This one's esp for u

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you know how there are times when u just want to say thanks, well this is that time for me. I know it may come across as being stupid, irrational and a downright typical feminine behaviour but who the hell cares right! Dude thanks a truck load for finally writing long comments, ur actually quite good with words :P lol no seriously, I actually look forward to switching on my computer (yes the same one which invites all the world's worms n viruses for a great party in my hardrive!) coz of the comments ( ok now I'm appearing way too lame, but since I've already established the fact that I am stupid, demented and a lil woo woo in the head, lets just add lame to the list too then ;) ) anyho for the past coupla days have been so busy (i've already told u the reason) that I couldn't even give a decent reply to ur comments that i actually feel slightly guilty, first actually telling you to be a bit more elaborate in writing and then when u actually do so, i go ahead and disappear on you (that's my equivilent for short comments).

Love your blog, its like a cornucopia of "things to know", with little personal surprises here and there. Sometimes it can be your cats or sometimes a pic from one of ur trips, to a holiday cheer!. It actually makes me wonder what in the world goes on in that head of yours, what sites are searching that you come up with weird, funny, random, surprising stuff to post about, it's like ur starting a book of your own "a million random things to know" and the best part is that they are all so bloody informative! But whatever it is, it seems that it has me hooked. So here's too great blogging from ur end! Cheers!

Ok enough gushing over your blog, I've exhausted my supply completely, here's a request - more personal posts please!!!!!!! It's literally been a while.....

For everyone who hasn't yet hovered on to Nabeel's Cosmos, well what the hell are u waiting for!!!!


Blogger Nabeel said...

hmmm .. i'll answer this with a post and and .. (not to forget) a comment (Your wish is my Command - hint of another post)

But first thing first .. EID MUBARAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK .. listennnnnnn .. here's a very cool idea .. take a picture with the Baqra or Gaye that your family brought for Eid .. that will be soo cooool .. I would have done it if I was in Pakistan .. wanted to go on eid but couldn't. I would have even taken a picture with the Qasai .. lol .. that would be soo cooool .. but see if you can take it .. see when I was little .. i used to get really attached to our baqraa - vice versa - .. it actually used to sleep with his head on my thigh (I used to spend my days off in the baqraa room) .. and if I was to go to my room and leave him he used to start screaming (non stop) ..

hmm @ kick ass ads and your advertising course .. my sister recently asked me the same thing and I gave her many ads and ad websites .. what's your email address? I'll email you the links to my favorite ads (I had a post coming - "Best Ads I've Seen") but didn't get time to compile it. So i'll send u the links .. and yaa my sister asked me the same thing .. I actually gave her a lecture about advertisement/marketing and where is it going .. what's the future .. even told her about subconscious advertisements ... so anyway .. what do you do?

7:03 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

I'm sure the bakra boy would find its way here! lol Eid Mubarakkkkkkkkkk!!!!!

Hilarious ideas for the pics!! though a tad bit too late (rubs her tummy with glee) hehehe no actually i was exactly like this when i was really REALLY young,once the bakra ate half my shirt off!!! guess he found it more delectable than special food we were feeding him! ;) Those were also the days when due to my close attachment to them ( i get attached really quickly, as u must have noticed :| ) so i couldn't even bear to hear them being zibaofied, I would hide in my closet and cry the entire time, wouldn't eat a morsel the entire day and roam around the house with a big fat red nose and eyes to match!(trust me I can give rudolph a run for his money!) But now things have changed, become a cold heartless soul! lol no, its just that i have realized that i m greater foodie :D so now i don't even go near the bakras when they come (my parents have even stopped bringin it to the house), i don't even see them, hence, no attachment whatsoever, I m asleep till the time all the mess has been taken care of and am woken up to the smell of good food just like any other day. Even today if i see the bakra or any bakras,i can't eat sniff sniff so the remedy was Lets not even see them! The concept of impersonalization to the hilt!


thanks a lot for helping as far as the ads are concerned, u could mail me @ :)

whats ur sister doing? and what have u done? what are u upto these days, btw loved the times cover u once did. :)

Eid Mubarakkkkkkkkkkk Bakra Boy!!!!! hhehehehe I feel i'm goin to be killed for this now ;)

1:07 PM  
Blogger Wanderlust said...

yeh!visited his site...liked it too...good friends you guys seem to be...may you remain so forever :-D

10:22 AM  

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