Thursday, January 19, 2006

Peace of mind...really?

Our Industrial Marketing teacher asked us today - "why does man want the peace of mind?" and it actually got me thinking and obviously i zoned why does man want the peace of mind really? we work all our lives for what? we study harder, push our selves to the limit, work more than 12 hours a day why? so that we could live a better life, where we could go to sleep at night without a worry, my friend even talked about complacency and how he really wants to be complacent, run away to an island, e with himself, do the things he wants to without really knowing how to, all for his peace of mind right....but does that peace of mind last? are we happy to stay put for the rest of our, coz then we'll just go out of our minds, we'll want some change, some activity, something! so here's the crux -

man wants peace of mind, works hard for it, get its, likes it for a bit, hates it then, goes back to searching other things, wants peace of mind, works hard..........and the cycle continues


Blogger Nabeel said...

man does it to survive .. and not just survuve but be in a better state than that of survival (See Masolow's Pyramid of Needs)

You're friend wants to go to an Island .. because well he's tired of what he has now. I'm sure once he goes to an Island, after a while he'll want to go back. "One man's hell is another man's heaven". I have experimented and tested ths saying on many occasions and it is true !!!

9:43 AM  
Blogger Wanderlust said...

you mean the way to *peace of mind* actually works like a viscious circle?...i like your explanation though :-)...and yes, to every man peace of mind is of core importance...coz losing it may drive a man to the limits of craziness...the way i am at present with host of office work burdened upon *poor*me:-(

10:54 AM  
Blogger machus said...

i totally understand and agree with what you are saying. yes the cycle does continue and the choice is for us to take whether it is feasible for us to strive for that eternal moment of calm and rest in our lives. but at the same moment, if dont dont strive for that moment we will never get to find out what that feeling is. yes we would go down the lane again and be in the quest to find that feeling again and that is precisely where it would be helpful. the first strive would to find out whether there is a place out there and the second time around it would serve as an ideal example which we have experienced first hand.

2:16 PM  

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