Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I feel like I'm being watched....
yeah its you, don't turn away now!
just waiting for me to fall
to take that one wrong step
just so you could say - 'i told u so'
just so I could feel worthless again

Why are justifications always in need
why is it that one is never enough
why is it that when i want something
i most always have to plead
why isn't ever- 'it makes me smile'
a reason worthy enough?

At times I feel I dig my own grave
but atleast let me lie in it in peace.


Blogger Wanderlust said...

wonderful!awesome!...simply speechless you've left me...oh!yes there'll be people who'll be waiting to make you feel the way you are...too many i guess...but don't be bothered, my friend...and do what you think you're good at...remember no one has the right to make you feel bad...who's saying?...anyways all i can say is take care and a "warm hug" from me.

6:16 PM  

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