Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Would anyone mind explaining to me HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS EVER GOING TO SOLVE ANYTHING!!!!!!

burning down the parliament house, university students protesting, buildings on fire, people dying, windshields being broken, people being dragged by their heads, I'm sorry but am I really the only person missing the bloody point!

How is killing your own people, setting fire to your buildings ever going to prove a point! let alone solve the problem. My father quite rightly put it, we're a nation not of rational people, but stupid cattle, following the herd where ever it goes. I think we're just those horses with blinders on, so that we can't look right n left, just keep trampling on!


Blogger ادریس احمد said...

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8:41 AM  
Blogger ادریس احمد said...

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8:42 AM  
Blogger ادریس احمد said...

What we need to do is arrest these people and torture them by forceibly educating them, otherwise they will continue to spawn mindless, violent clones of themselves prone to destroying everything in their path at the slightest provocation of their favourite uneducated mullah. I was disgusted to hear a sound bite of some buffoon on a pulpit in Peshawar today, on BBC, telling his (wolves in) sheep('s clothing) that the cartoons were a challenge to their "ghairat," and that "they must go out and express their sentiments," as this was a "test by the Europeans." Little did the unwashed akhroat know that it was most probably more of a test from Allah on how we fail to walk the higher ground in our every day lives as "Muslims" in most parts of the world!

8:50 AM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

and what's your solution .. can u give them a solution or a proper way to do things? i would like to hear

4:45 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

akhroat khan: Thank u for making me feel that I'm not the only one

Nabeel: I know i may sound idealistic when i say this but how about a little rationalization? or even if you do have to resort to violence then why kill your OWN people??!!! i mean seriously how is burning down your own buildings going to do anything! If you want to kill and burn then go burn theirs (even that i find preposterous). And if u really want to do something then beat them at their own game, why waste your time fighting amongst yourselves and not getting anywhere, when by education and economic prosperity u can hit them where it hurts the most! At the end of the day if you do not have economic independence you don't stand a chance. But if you still don't agree go ahead get distracted, there seems to be no paucity of blinding ignorance here anyway

1:23 PM  
Blogger ~Asma~ said...

i sorta agree to wht u've said...true, violence can never b an answer...but its neither education...for education is not all wht changes the way people think...its rather the way one uses doubt though tht it may influence but thn again it depends on person to person..

8:32 PM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

asma: i agree with u, afterall pareylikhe jahilon ki kami nahin hai. However, first comes awareness then comes application right?

8:50 PM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

you guys don't know what you're talking about .. its time to face the reality .. let me explain ..

- You can only hit what you can reach. Those people who are burning down things (their own things) .. well they don't have anything else to burn .. no danish hotels to destroy.. no danish people to hit .. so they're gonna burn down things that they have .. does it solve anything? YESSS it sure does .. don't you feel better when you hit something (in anger)? Letting out ones frustration is a big relief .. people have been doing it since ages. Drugs (destroying your body) - alochol, killing for fun .. this is nothing new.

- Beat 'em in their own game? NOO .. not practicle. If you get slapped by a WWE wrestler .. would u train to become a wrestler and beat him in a WWE match? NOO you won't. However you'll do whatever you can, within your power. Whatever you're good at, you'll avail that talent to harm your enemy. That's what these people are doing .. danish newspapers are good at printing cartoons .. the extremist groups are good at fighting and burning down things and strikes. One does what one can do.

blinding ignorance? sure .. but my friend .. ignorance is bliss!

9:21 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

u want to burn your house down sure go ahead burn it COZ IT's YOUR OWN but don't burn your neighbor's while ur at it! You want to burn your car or smash the windshield sure go ahead but don't burn another person's car on the road, who gives you that right?

i understand your perspective but also stand by my own.

ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is enlightening.

3:33 PM  
Blogger KM said...

watching the news is just humiliating, because now the international media is just looking at each othe nodding saying "see, we always said they were dangerous people with terrorist tendencies."

how do we prove em wrong now!

6:04 PM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

khizzy: this is what we do -
"Ooooo a trap!!! yeayyyyy lets fall into it!!!!"


babe we can forget about proving them wrong for quite a bit now

10:51 PM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

your perspective is not practicle .. no one burns their own house .. no one breaks their own things .. no satisfaction in it .. these things might be wrong but they are the order of the day .. ask the people who burn buses and rickshaws that why don't they burn their own car .. tell me where does your perspective stand? (In an ideal world, sure but does it stand anywhere in this world?) noo ..

ignorance is bliss is a proverb .. whereas knowledge is englightening is not! sorry sweety but you can't win this argument :)

We're talking about how it is and why it is not how and why it should be !!

1:50 AM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

Isn't it funny when one rereads what u wrote earlier and compare it to what u say now. You don't? ok lemme state a few examples then :

"Those people who are burning down things (their own things)"

"people have been doing it since ages. Drugs (destroying your body) - alochol"

and now:

" no one burns their own house .. no one breaks their own things .. no satisfaction in it .. "

and u were saying :)

I still stand by what i said earlier, its not an arguement, ur entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine, and i had stated earlier that I may sound idealistic, but just because something is happening doesnt mean it has to be right. What I'm trying to say here is that it's very easy to go out marching on the road and throwing stones at everyone, but it's the most difficult to actually do anything to something you own, or someone you know, but isn't that the real test? A basic analogy I present to you, i want to protest against the educational system, I go ahead and stop the student sitting next to me from giving his paper, tear up his examination sheet, and throw it in the teacher's face, but very convienently hand in mine.

I'm not denying what's actually happening or has been happening in the past, all I'm saying is that it's wrong (idealistically speaking) and in my opinion and I'm glad quite a few people agree with also, that it's not the right way.

If you point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at u.

And that my friend is an idiom :)

9:41 PM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

comon .. is that the best explanation you can come up with?

"Those people who are burning down things (their own things)" - I was referring to the concept of OWN country .. pakistan is YOUR country .. but you don't OWN (personally) everything in Pakistan .. I'd rather not explain this simple concept .. you should get it.

everyone tends to choose the easy way .. this is nothing new. Sure the easy way might be wrong .. but we're not talking about right or wrong .. we're talking about WHY people do right or wrong. The only right and wrong here are the opinions (mine and yours)

one needs to re-reread my post :)
if only blogs had voice enabled conversations .. we could settle who's right and who's wrong

be safe .. i heard that there were strikes and what not in various cities.
jab school jaya kero to idher oodher dekh ker jaya kero

9:38 AM  
Blogger ~meyum & a half~ said...

friday strike call again...haiii!!!
where are you rabia loony why not posting???

10:07 PM  
Blogger Wanderlust said...

hey now this was quite an eye opener! and oh! how well your dad described it, i think there is no beter way of explaining it.

12:43 AM  

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