Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A great big hug to all of u!

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i know i did a really crappy job at this but just wanted to tell u all that u guys just rock! Thank u so much for continuing to visit and comment on my blog during my disappearing act :)
nabeel: this one was inspired by u, n new posts will be coming up shortly :)

ashmi: babe thanks a million for all the help, sorry couldn't get back to u on that one, and don't worry i haven't forgotten that i've been tagged, thats the first thing i'll be doing :) btw have u noticed that when saying ur name, one can't help but smile :)

madelyn: my lil ray of sunshine on a mission to bring make everyone a tad bit happier I MISS U and ur wonderful way of expressing things...:(

scavengercites: love ur little bits and thanks a lot for the train thing...loved it...keep visiting!!

tinni: doodh doodh doodh doodh wonderful doodh! u know u rock dude!

frankie: don't be depressed or angry all the time!!!! write about flowers n sunshine lol no seriously dude love the block button but not how bout something a lil light...u know just for shock value may be :P

abbas halai: PONDI rocks!!!!!!!!! how do think i survived the shadi season! that and that I just LOVE dancing!

once again.....thanks a lot guys!


Blogger Nabeel said...

awwwwwwwwwwwww how cute !! I have a cowboy hat, a smily face, a heart, a wow and what's that on the side? a bag of chips? .. this soo sweet. Hey by the way .. i want a toffee too .. how come ashmi has a toffee .. let me see if I can move it on my side.. lol .. oh I can't

is that you in the middle? .. really nice .. she looks very welcoming !!

10:18 AM  
Blogger Wanderlust said...

thank god, you're are a sweetheart :-D.....a *warm hug* from me too, did miss you and glad to know that you're not as "lazy" as Nabeel ;-)....and Nabeel stop being jealous of the toffee,that's meant so much for me, good you couldn't move it to your side,how dare you even try to take away my cute lil gifts from Voices?....see I've toffees and a small fish too( can have it grilled or with curry)...whatever, trust me you look absolutely like a sweet lil *pink doll*....and hey, its also nice to know that the link was helpful...and wow! i din't know that spelling out my name makes one smile,that's quite a revelation and a flattering one another *warm hug* :-D

2:41 PM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

nabeel: err...the thing u called a cowboy hat...umm well thats my hopeless attempt at making a cheesecake ;) and the bag of chips...well...TIME mag :|

ashmi:ofcource it puts a smile! try saying it outloud! and the fish is actually depicting NEMO thats the first post i commented on, on ur blog :)

scavengercites: just keep sending great stuff :)

8:15 PM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

lol @ cheese cake .. a Chocolate cheesecake? and aahan @ the TIME magazine .. how thoughtful ..

it all makes sense now

9:48 AM  
Blogger Abbas Halai said...

hey thanks. muchos gracias.

5:29 AM  
Blogger Wanderlust said...

oh so sweet! but where's my tagged list???

12:44 AM  

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